Patient Overview : 81


Frequency of all clinical findings

Percentage Cases
Male 45.7% 37/81
Female 54.3% 44/81
Birth Length abnormalities 4.9% 4/81
> P98 : Birth length greater than 97th percentile 2.5% 2/81
< P3 : Birth length less than 3rd percentile 2.5% 2/81
Birth Weight abnormalities 4.9% 4/81
< P3 : Small for gestational age 4.9% 4/81
Birth Head circumference abnormalities 1.2% 1/81
< P3 : Congenital microcephaly 1.2% 1/81
Current Height abnormalities 13.6% 11/81
< P3 : Short stature 12.3% 10/81
> P98 : Tall stature 1.2% 1/81
Current Weight abnormalities 16.0% 13/81
< P3 : Decreased body weight 14.8% 12/81
> P98 : Increased body weight 1.2% 1/81
Current Head circumference abnormalities 40.7% 33/81
< P3 : Microcephaly 39.5% 32/81
> P98 : Macrocephaly 1.2% 1/81
Neurological abnormalities 87.3% 48/55
Muscular hypotonia 69.1% 38/55
Seizures 12.7% 7/55
Dysphagia 9.1% 5/55
Nystagmus 5.5% 3/55
Febrile seizures 3.6% 2/55
Hypertonia 3.6% 2/55
Areflexia of lower limbs 1.8% 1/55
Decreased sensory nerve conduction velocity 1.8% 1/55
Decreased motor nerve conduction velocity 1.8% 1/55
Dystonia 1.8% 1/55
Facial palsy 1.8% 1/55
Hyporeflexia 1.8% 1/55
Infantile axial hypotonia 1.8% 1/55
Polyneuropathy 1.8% 1/55
Severe muscular hypotonia 1.8% 1/55
Behavioral problems 60.9% 14/23
Behavioral abnormality 17.4% 4/23
Anxiety 13.0% 3/23
Drooling 8.7% 2/23
Aggressive behavior 4.3% 1/23
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 4.3% 1/23
Autistic behavior 4.3% 1/23
Borderline 4.3% 1/23
Depression 4.3% 1/23
Polyphagia 4.3% 1/23
Brain abnormality 77.8% 42/54
Agenesis of corpus callosum 25.9% 14/54
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the corpus callosum 22.2% 12/54
Hypoplasia of the corpus callosum 7.4% 4/54
Ventriculomegaly 7.4% 4/54
Abnormality of lateral ventricle 5.6% 3/54
Asymmetric ventricles 3.7% 2/54
Colpocephaly 3.7% 2/54
Delayed myelination 3.7% 2/54
Dilation of lateral ventricles 3.7% 2/54
Partial agenesis of the corpus callosum 3.7% 2/54
Perivascular spaces 3.7% 2/54
Periventricular gray matter heterotopia 3.7% 2/54
Absent septum pellucidum 1.9% 1/54
Arachnoid cyst 1.9% 1/54
Cerebral hypomyelination 1.9% 1/54
Cerebral cortical atrophy 1.9% 1/54
Cerebral palsy 1.9% 1/54
Cortical gyral simplification 1.9% 1/54
Gliosis 1.9% 1/54
Heterotopia 1.9% 1/54
Hydrocephalus 1.9% 1/54
Hypoplasia of the brainstem 1.9% 1/54
Leukoencephalopathy 1.9% 1/54
Pachygyria 1.9% 1/54
Short corpus callosum 1.9% 1/54
Facial abnormalities    
Abnormality of the ear 40.8% 31/76
Low-set ears 23.7% 18/76
Microtia 11.8% 9/76
Low-set, posteriorly rotated ears 5.3% 4/76
Cupped ear 2.6% 2/76
Overfolded helix 2.6% 2/76
Protruding ear 2.6% 2/76
Small earlobe 2.6% 2/76
Abnormality of the pinna 1.3% 1/76
Periauricular skin pits 1.3% 1/76
Thickened helices 1.3% 1/76
Abnormality of the eye 80.0% 60/75
Blepharophimosis 52.0% 39/75
Ptosis 33.3% 25/75
Nasolacrimal duct obstruction 21.3% 16/75
Hypertelorism 18.7% 14/75
Short palpebral fissure 10.7% 8/75
Epicanthus 9.3% 7/75
Downslanted palpebral fissures 8.0% 6/75
Small palpebral fissure 8.0% 6/75
Epicanthus inversus 6.7% 5/75
Prominent epicanthal folds 6.7% 5/75
Telecanthus 6.7% 5/75
Sparse eyebrow 5.3% 4/75
Bilateral ptosis 2.7% 2/75
Infra-orbital crease 2.7% 2/75
Synophrys 2.7% 2/75
Upslanted palpebral fissure 2.7% 2/75
Deeply set eye 1.3% 1/75
Infra-orbital fold 1.3% 1/75
Proptosis 1.3% 1/75
Thick eyebrow 1.3% 1/75
Unilateral ptosis 1.3% 1/75
Abnormality of the nose 61.3% 46/75
Bulbous nose 29.3% 22/75
Wide nasal bridge 18.7% 14/75
Depressed nasal bridge 13.3% 10/75
Prominent nasal bridge 6.7% 5/75
Broad nasal tip 4.0% 3/75
Depressed nasal ridge 4.0% 3/75
Anteverted nares 2.7% 2/75
Short columella 2.7% 2/75
Wide nose 2.7% 2/75
Low hanging columella 1.3% 1/75
Prominent nose 1.3% 1/75
Short nose 1.3% 1/75
Abnormality of the mouth 74.7% 56/75
Micrognathia 22.7% 17/75
Abnormality of the teeth 16.0% 12/75
Cleft palate 14.7% 11/75
High palate 14.7% 11/75
Thin upper lip vermilion 13.3% 10/75
Long philtrum 9.3% 7/75
Narrow mouth 9.3% 7/75
Microdontia 8.0% 6/75
Bifid uvula 5.3% 4/75
Pierre-Robin sequence 4.0% 3/75
Deep philtrum 2.7% 2/75
Mandibular prognathia 2.7% 2/75
Open mouth 2.7% 2/75
Retrognathia 2.7% 2/75
Smooth philtrum 2.7% 2/75
Widely spaced teeth 2.7% 2/75
Abnormality of incisor morphology 1.3% 1/75
Absent uvula 1.3% 1/75
Agenesis of permanent maxillary lateral incisor 1.3% 1/75
Broad uvula 1.3% 1/75
Cleft soft palate 1.3% 1/75
Dental malocclusion 1.3% 1/75
Dental crowding 1.3% 1/75
Diastema 1.3% 1/75
Downturned corners of mouth 1.3% 1/75
Everted lower lip vermilion 1.3% 1/75
High, narrow palate 1.3% 1/75
Hypodontia 1.3% 1/75
Hypoplasia of teeth 1.3% 1/75
Macroglossia 1.3% 1/75
Microretrognathia 1.3% 1/75
Narrow philtrum 1.3% 1/75
Pointed chin 1.3% 1/75
Protruding tongue 1.3% 1/75
Short chin 1.3% 1/75
Short philtrum 1.3% 1/75
Thin vermilion border 1.3% 1/75
Trismus 1.3% 1/75
Wide mouth 1.3% 1/75
Visual and hearing impairments    
Abnormal hearing 29.3% 17/58
Hearing impairment 20.7% 12/58
Sensorineural hearing impairment 6.9% 4/58
Low-frequency hearing loss 1.7% 1/58
Abnormal vision 56.1% 23/41
Strabismus 12.2% 5/41
Cortical visual impairment 9.8% 4/41
Hypermetropia 9.8% 4/41
Myopia 9.8% 4/41
Optic nerve hypoplasia 9.8% 4/41
Optic atrophy 7.3% 3/41
Astigmatism 4.9% 2/41
Amblyopia 2.4% 1/41
Esotropia 2.4% 1/41
Hypoplasia of the retina 2.4% 1/41
Impaired smooth pursuit 2.4% 1/41
Photophobia 2.4% 1/41
Retinopathy 2.4% 1/41
Severe Myopia 2.4% 1/41
Abnormality of the heart 58.0% 40/69
Atria septal defect 27.5% 19/69
Abnormal heart morphology 11.6% 8/69
Patent ductus arteriosus 11.6% 8/69
Ventricular septal defect 10.1% 7/69
Secundum atrial septal defect 4.3% 3/69
Mitral regurgitation 2.9% 2/69
Muscular ventricular septal defect 2.9% 2/69
Right ventricular hypertrophy 2.9% 2/69
Abnormality of the aortic arch 1.4% 1/69
Cardiomegaly 1.4% 1/69
Left aortic arch with retroesophageal right subclavian artery 1.4% 1/69
Patent foramen ovale 1.4% 1/69
Peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis 1.4% 1/69
Right aortic arch with retroesophageal left subclavian artery 1.4% 1/69
Supraventricular tachycardia 1.4% 1/69
Tricuspid regurgitation 1.4% 1/69
Abnormality of the lungs 68.6% 24/35
Laryngomalacia 20.0% 7/35
Respiratory distress 20.0% 7/35
Obstructive sleep apnea 8.6% 3/35
Abnormal respiratory system morphology 5.7% 2/35
Central apnea 5.7% 2/35
Respiratory difficulties 5.7% 2/35
Asthma 2.9% 1/35
Laryngotracheomalacia 2.9% 1/35
Neonatal respiratory distress 2.9% 1/35
Pulmonary hypoplasia 2.9% 1/35
Pulmonary edema 2.9% 1/35
Respiratory tract infection 2.9% 1/35
Sleep apnea 2.9% 1/35
Tachypnea 2.9% 1/35
Tracheomalacia 2.9% 1/35
Gastrointestinal abnormalities 77.6% 52/67
Feeding difficulties 58.2% 39/67
Gastroesophageal reflux 13.4% 9/67
Anteriorly placed anus 7.5% 5/67
Anal atresia 4.5% 3/67
Malrotation of small bowel 4.5% 3/67
Chronic constipation 3.0% 2/67
Constipation 3.0% 2/67
Ileus 3.0% 2/67
Anal stenosis 1.5% 1/67
Enterocolitis 1.5% 1/67
Feeding difficulties in infancy 1.5% 1/67
Gastroparesis 1.5% 1/67
Hepatomegaly 1.5% 1/67
Intestinal atresia 1.5% 1/67
Pancreatic hypoplasia 1.5% 1/67
Polysplenia 1.5% 1/67
Projectile vomiting 1.5% 1/67
Rectal prolapse 1.5% 1/67
Total colonic aganglionosis 1.5% 1/67
Abnormality of the urogenital system 71.6% 48/67
Cryptorchidism 20.9% 14/67
Hydronephrosis 19.4% 13/67
Abnormality of the genital system 9.0% 6/67
Clitoral hypertrophy 9.0% 6/67
Hypospadias 9.0% 6/67
Scrotal hypoplasia 9.0% 6/67
Abnormality of the kidney 7.5% 5/67
Abnormality of the labia 6.0% 4/67
Bilateral cryptorchidism 6.0% 4/67
Hypoplastic labia majora 6.0% 4/67
Micropenis 6.0% 4/67
Multicystic kidney dysplasia 6.0% 4/67
Unilateral cryptorchidism 4.5% 3/67
Abnormality of the scrotum 3.0% 2/67
Hypoplasia of the bladder 3.0% 2/67
Recurrent urinary tract infections 3.0% 2/67
Renal hypoplasia 3.0% 2/67
Retractile testis 3.0% 2/67
Abnormal renal morphology 1.5% 1/67
Aplasia of the testes 1.5% 1/67
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the testes 1.5% 1/67
Bicornuate uterus 1.5% 1/67
Bifid scrotum 1.5% 1/67
Bilateral renal hypoplasia 1.5% 1/67
Enlarged kidneys 1.5% 1/67
Hydrocele testis 1.5% 1/67
Hyperplastic labia majora 1.5% 1/67
Hypoplastic labia minora 1.5% 1/67
Megacalicosis 1.5% 1/67
Multiple renal cysts 1.5% 1/67
Nephrolithiasis 1.5% 1/67
Neurogenic bladder 1.5% 1/67
Oliguria 1.5% 1/67
Renal insufficiency 1.5% 1/67
Renal dysplasia 1.5% 1/67
Shawl scrotum 1.5% 1/67
Small scrotum 1.5% 1/67
Unilateral renal agenesis 1.5% 1/67
Ureteropelvic junction obstruction 1.5% 1/67
Vesicoureteral reflux 1.5% 1/67
Skeletal abnormalities 82.3% 65/79
Abnormality of the thumb 39.2% 31/79
Long toe 27.8% 22/79
Knee flexion contracture 19.0% 15/79
Flexion contracture 16.5% 13/79
Talipes equinovarus 16.5% 13/79
Abnormality of the patella 12.7% 10/79
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the patella 10.1% 8/79
Bilateral talipes equinovarus 10.1% 8/79
Hip contracture 10.1% 8/79
Patellar aplasia 7.6% 6/79
Abnormality of pelvic girdle bone morphology 6.3% 5/79
Pectus excavatum 6.3% 5/79
Joint laxity 5.1% 4/79
Long fingers 5.1% 4/79
Narrow chest 5.1% 4/79
Clinodactyly of the 5th finger 3.8% 3/79
Hip dislocation 3.8% 3/79
Overlapping toe 3.8% 3/79
Pes planus 3.8% 3/79
Camptodactyly 2.5% 2/79
Clinodactyly 2.5% 2/79
Flexion contracture of finger 2.5% 2/79
Genu valgum 2.5% 2/79
Joint hypermobility 2.5% 2/79
Knee dislocation 2.5% 2/79
Long hallux 2.5% 2/79
Scoliosis 2.5% 2/79
Thoracolumbar scoliosis 2.5% 2/79
Abnormality of the acetabulum 1.3% 1/79
Abnormality of the lumbar spine 1.3% 1/79
Abnormal pelvis bone ossification 1.3% 1/79
Arachnodactyly 1.3% 1/79
Bilateral postaxial polydactyly 1.3% 1/79
Bilateral coxa valga 1.3% 1/79
Broad thumb 1.3% 1/79
Broad toe 1.3% 1/79
Broad palm 1.3% 1/79
Cervical spinal canal stenosis 1.3% 1/79
Cervical vertebral fusion (C2/C3) 1.3% 1/79
Delayed patellar ossification 1.3% 1/79
Distal lower limb amyotrophy 1.3% 1/79
Distal arthrogryposis 1.3% 1/79
Elbow flexion contracture 1.3% 1/79
Enlarged joints 1.3% 1/79
Kyphosis 1.3% 1/79
Metacarpophalangeal joint contracture 1.3% 1/79
Metatarsus adductus 1.3% 1/79
Osteopenia 1.3% 1/79
Patellar hypoplasia 1.3% 1/79
Preaxial hand polydactyly 1.3% 1/79
Preaxial polydactyly 1.3% 1/79
Proximal radio-ulnar synostosis 1.3% 1/79
Short 5th finger 1.3% 1/79
Short femur 1.3% 1/79
Single transverse palmar crease 1.3% 1/79
Skeletal muscle atrophy 1.3% 1/79
Torticollis 1.3% 1/79
Valgus foot deformity 1.3% 1/79
2-3 toe syndactyly 1.3% 1/79
Skin / Hair / Nails    
Abnormality of the skin/hair/nails 50.0% 15/30
Wide intermamillary distance 13.3% 4/30
Bilateral single transverse palmar creases 6.7% 2/30
Hypoplastic toenails 6.7% 2/30
Bifid nail 3.3% 1/30
Bridged palmar crease 3.3% 1/30
Cafe-au-lait spot 3.3% 1/30
Cutis marmorata 3.3% 1/30
Cutis laxa 3.3% 1/30
Cyanosis 3.3% 1/30
Edema 3.3% 1/30
Few cafe-au-lait spots 3.3% 1/30
Hypoplastic fingernail 3.3% 1/30
Hypoplastic fifth toenail 3.3% 1/30
Jaundice 3.3% 1/30
Petechiae 3.3% 1/30
Redundant neck skin 3.3% 1/30
Seborrheic dermatitis 3.3% 1/30
Single transverse palmar crease 3.3% 1/30
Small nail 3.3% 1/30
Thickened skin 3.3% 1/30
Endocrine / Immunological / Metabolic    
Abnormality of the endocrine system 49.1% 26/53
Hypothyroidism 17.0% 9/53
Abnormality of thyroid physiology 15.1% 8/53
Thyroid-stimulating hormone excess 11.3% 6/53
Growth hormone deficiency 1.9% 1/53
Hashimoto thyroiditis 1.9% 1/53
Increased serum insulin-like growth factor 1 {comment=\"HPO:probinson\"} 1.9% 1/53
Primary hypothyroidism 1.9% 1/53
Abnormality of the metabolic system 22.2% 4/18
Anemia 11.1% 2/18
Acute disseminated intravascular coagulation 5.6% 1/18
Elevated urinary homovanillic acid 5.6% 1/18
Elevated urinary vanillylmandelic acid 5.6% 1/18
Metabolic acidosis 5.6% 1/18
Abnormality of the immune system 37.5% 3/8
Chronic otitis media 12.5% 1/8
Esophagitis 12.5% 1/8
Recurrent otitis media 12.5% 1/8
Neoplasia 16.7% 1/6
Neuroblastoma 16.7% 1/6