Patient Overview : 20


Frequency of all clinical findings

Percentage Cases
Male 100.0% 20/20
Female 0% 0/20
Birth Length abnormalities 15.0% 3/20
> P98 : Birth length greater than 97th percentile 15.0% 3/20
Birth Weight abnormalities 20.0% 4/20
< P3 : Small for gestational age 5.0% 1/20
> P98 : Large for gestational age 15.0% 3/20
Birth Head circumference abnormalities 25.0% 5/20
> P98 : Macrocephaly at birth 25.0% 5/20
Current Height abnormalities 30.0% 6/20
> P98 : Tall stature 20.0% 4/20
< P3 : Short stature 10.0% 2/20
Current Weight abnormalities 60.0% 12/20
> P98 : Increased body weight 50.0% 10/20
< P3 : Decreased body weight 10.0% 2/20
Current Head circumference abnormalities 90.0% 18/20
> P98 : Macrocephaly 90.0% 18/20
Neurological abnormalities 30.8% 4/13
Delayed fine motor development 7.7% 1/13
Delayed speech and language development 7.7% 1/13
Focal seizures 7.7% 1/13
Generalized hypotonia 7.7% 1/13
Global developmental delay 7.7% 1/13
Intellectual disability 7.7% 1/13
Migraine 7.7% 1/13
Seizures 7.7% 1/13
Behavioral problems 87.5% 14/16
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 56.3% 9/16
Aggressive behavior 31.3% 5/16
Autism 12.5% 2/16
Autistic behavior 12.5% 2/16
Shyness 12.5% 2/16
Brain abnormality 15.4% 2/13
Arnold-Chiari type I malformation 7.7% 1/13
Colpocephaly 7.7% 1/13
Macrocephaly 7.7% 1/13
Ventriculomegaly 7.7% 1/13
Facial abnormalities    
Abnormality of the ear 58.3% 7/12
Prominent ear helix 25.0% 3/12
Cupped ear 16.7% 2/12
Large earlobe 8.3% 1/12
Low-set ears 8.3% 1/12
Macrotia 8.3% 1/12
Posteriorly rotated ears 8.3% 1/12
Protruding ear 8.3% 1/12
Abnormality of the eye 53.8% 7/13
Deeply set eye 15.4% 2/13
Small palpebral fissure 15.4% 2/13
Thick eyebrow 15.4% 2/13
Abnormality of the eyebrow 7.7% 1/13
Strabismus 7.7% 1/13
Unilateral ptosis 7.7% 1/13
Abnormality of the nose 33.3% 4/12
Anteverted nares 16.7% 2/12
Short nose 16.7% 2/12
Broad nasal tip 8.3% 1/12
Narrow nose 8.3% 1/12
Wide nose 8.3% 1/12
Abnormality of the mouth 33.3% 4/12
Narrow mouth 8.3% 1/12
Non-midline cleft lip 8.3% 1/12
Short philtrum 8.3% 1/12
Thick upper lip vermilion 8.3% 1/12
Thick lower lip vermilion 8.3% 1/12
Visual and hearing impairments    
Abnormal hearing 7.7% 1/13
Bilateral sensorineural hearing impairment 7.7% 1/13
Abnormal vision 16.7% 2/12
Strabismus 8.3% 1/12
Gastrointestinal abnormalities 7.7% 1/13
Barrett esophagus 7.7% 1/13
Abnormality of the urogenital system 50.0% 7/14
Unilateral cryptorchidism 28.6% 4/14
Bilateral cryptorchidism 14.3% 2/14
Cryptorchidism 7.1% 1/14
Micropenis 7.1% 1/14
Skeletal abnormalities 57.1% 8/14
Joint hypermobility 21.4% 3/14
Abnormality of the thumb 7.1% 1/14
Adducted thumb 7.1% 1/14
Brachydactyly syndrome 7.1% 1/14
Dental crowding 7.1% 1/14
Hyperextensibility of the finger joints 7.1% 1/14
Kyphoscoliosis 7.1% 1/14
Large hands 7.1% 1/14
Pectus excavatum 7.1% 1/14
Skin / Hair / Nails    
Abnormality of the skin/hair/nails 23.1% 3/13
Joint laxity 15.4% 2/13
Facial hemangioma 7.7% 1/13
Short finger 7.7% 1/13
Shortening of all distal phalanges of the fingers 7.7% 1/13
Widened distal phalanges 7.7% 1/13
Neoplasia 7.7% 1/13
Leukemia 7.7% 1/13